What is Metafit™?
A 30 minute metabolic workout that lasts 24hrs. Effective and efficient method for burning fat.
Studies have proven high-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more fat in less time than steady state cardio.
Lose stubborn body fat, gain muscle definition and increase your fitness levels.
Metafit combines agility, strength, speed, increases your Vo2max giving you higher aerobic power, improves lactate tolerance and increases anaerobic capacity.
Metafit™ will...
-Increase your metabolism
-Preserve/increase muscle mass
-Increase fitness
-Burn fat
Do I need to be fit to do a Metafit™ session?
No...The exercises performed in a Metafit™ session can be regressed or progressed to suit all fitness levels and abilities...Everyone is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses – you work to your maximum and Emma will ensure you are doing the exercise at a level that is appropriate for you.
You’ll definitely know you’ve had a work out after one of these sessions!
Classes run in Kings Hill Community Centre, Kings Hill
Contact Trainer on the Hill to find out More!
No need to book - pay as you train £5 per session or 5 sessions for £20